Editor: Smile is a programming and working environment based on AppleScript.
In Smile you edit AppleScripts, and much more:
make Aqua or HTML user Interfaces,
work with Unicode texts,
generate PDF graphics,
handle XML documents (DOM, XPATH, XSLT),
control RS232 serial communications and electrical I/O devices.
Smile is a programming and working environment that you may want to use in a variety of situations. You may want to perform a scientific work, to handle cgi requests, to automate an intensive file processing task, to produce computed graphics, to edit XML files, to work with Unicode texts, to make GUI of your scripts, etc.
Smile interface
The pages below describe each kind of window that you can use in Smile. Smile's interface uses a small set of kinds of windows (that you can make in the File menu): this is what enables you to fully control Smile by script.
AppleScript Terminals - the windows where you run your scripts
DIctionaries - AppleScript dictionaries define the commands that you can use
Graphic windows - the PDF windows to perform data visualization and programmed graphics
Compiled scripts - the colored script windows
Unicode windows - editing Unicode and XML
The interface of Smile can be accessed thru the menu bar of Smile or using Smile shortcuts. Note the special menu dedicated to access your own scripts: this is the User Scripts menu.